Which one of my best friends are you?

6 people. One result. Who will you get? The caring and funny Vanessa? The crazy and low-maintenance Olivia? The sassy XC? The awesome Taylor? Or will you get... ME?!

6 people. One result. Who will you get? The caring and funny Vanessa? The crazy and low-maintenance Olivia? The sassy XC? The awesome Taylor? The shy Yumi? Or will you get... ME?! This quiz will tell you. It has 12 questions. It has 6 results. Good luck!

Created by: NachozVsCupcakes

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are closest to this hairstyle...
  2. You are random or crazy?
  3. How shy are you?
  4. You have this talent:
  5. You participate in school events often.
  6. You think that I seem...
  7. Celebs are..
  8. You are...
  9. Hai!
  10. I just did this for fun's sake! Sorry if it's inaccurate! I LOVE YOUS! Bye!!!!!

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Quiz topic: Which one of my best friends am I?