Which Of My Warriors Characters Are You?

Moondust, Jadeheart Shadowhawk and Ravenwing are main characters in my stories. They all have very different personalities. Jadeheart a born leader, Shadowhawk a fighter, Moondust a hunter, and Ravenwing a medicine cat.

But people might be interested in seeing which one they are most like. So I have put together this quiz. I have done my part, you shall now do yours. Take the quiz!

Created by: Shadow
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Badger attack! What do you do?
  2. Which do you prefer?
  3. Quick! A warrior has greengough! What herb? (and don't google, this question is to see if you be a medicine cat).
  4. Intruder! How do you react?
  5. There's a fire! Who do you get out first?
  6. You find out your friend has been meeting someone from another clan! What do you do?
  7. How do you perform the bager defence? (again, don't google. One of the results is a powerful fighter, and this is to test if you could be her)?
  8. What is the technique for catching fish? (and, you guessed it, don't google)?
  9. A disease outbreak! You need catmint! The medicine cat is sick and cannot tell you where to find it. Where do you look?
  10. Flood! The camp is a clearing, surrounded by brambles. How do you get everyone out?

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Quiz topic: Which Of My Warriors Characters am I?