Which of my OCS are you (warriorcats)

i have an oc quiz! yay i guess uhm enjoy i used these a lot hahahah be honest to find ur relateable character, or lie to find all the results. thankyou

each question is pretty simply sorry there are a lot of typos. i got bored and pretty much rushed through this but i made it as accurate as possible lol

Created by: Bebla
  1. You see a cat being attacked by a badger wyd
  2. Invasion in the camp! Wyd
  3. DO you know bout herbs
  4. wht is family to u
  5. do u like fighting
  6. What patrol do u go on most often
  7. would u break the warrior code for the greater good
  8. kit in the river( diff clan)! wyd
  9. a kit wants to play wyd
  10. wher u go when u die

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Quiz topic: Which of my OCS am I (warriorcats)
