which of my friends are you

so..ya If you want to know which one of my friends you are, come on over. I have 5 results i think and we're all girls. You can still come if your a guy just know that your result is gonna be a girl.

so..ya If yu want to know which one of my friends you are, come on over. I have 5 results i think and we're all girls. You can still come if your a guy just know that your result is gonna be a girl.

Created by: DarkVisions70221
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats ur fave color
  2. whats ur fave animal?
  3. what kind a mythical creature do u want to b?
  4. r u a vegetarian?
  5. which line is most like u
  6. what kind of books do u like to read
  7. LETS START A CIRCUS. PS my friend has a unicycle and i have stilts so im totally serious
  8. do u normally answer ur phone
  9. what do u think about this quiz?
  10. will u comment or rate. I'll probably forget all about this quiz but...ya

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Quiz topic: Which of my friends am I