Which of my favorite Creepypasta's are you?

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I love this image... Anyways, there are four results: Jeff, Sally, Toby, and Clockwork. I would've added more but for some reason it didn't let me. I want levels.

CW: Serious dark things mentioned. Please be wary that some results will be negative (Ex. Sally, if you know the story). Be careful with yourself and your mental health.

  1. First question, do you know what Creepypasta is?
  2. What do you usually wear?
  3. What's your favorite color?
  4. There are 5 kids and three chairs. What do you do?
  5. Railway Dilemma: On one railway, is 10 people, a few of which are close to you. On the other, there are 30 people, none of which you know. If you don't change the railway, 30 people will die. If you do change the railway, 10 people (including some friends/family) will die.What do you do?
  6. Someone just broke in, trying to steal your money! What do you do?
  7. Are you more...
  8. Mommy issues or Daddy issues?
  9. Which name sparks your interest?
  10. Bye bye

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Quiz topic: Which of my favorite Creepypasta's am I?
