Which of my cats are you?

I have six cats. You probably don't know any of them. But, if you want to know which one you are most like anyway, then give this quiz a try. Just because.

If you ever wanted to match your personality with some random cat's and see what was alike between you, I guess you came to the right place. Have fun.

Created by: KitKat
  1. Your gender? The above question doesn't count.
  2. Which word, of these six, describes you the best?
  3. What is your favorite color? (of these)
  4. What color is your hair?
  5. Are you sociable or shy?
  6. You are in 1st period at school. A kid about your age that you've never seen before walks up to you and says hello. The kid then asks you where the bathroom is.
  7. Inside or outside?
  8. Leader or follower?
  9. Energetic or not?
  10. It's a rainy day and you're stuck inside. What do you do?
  11. What word do you like best?

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Quiz topic: Which of my cats am I?