Which Oddball Are You, Truly?

"I always wanted to an Oddball." Said the little dwarfish person and looked dreamily out the window and had another English toffee. He had long been pondering upon what his place in this world was. Plus, he was in desperate need of new friends.

But does he qualify? We have put togethe rsomethign that we feel have been missing in many people's lives. An Oddball Quiz. We suggest you take it. There is no entertainment guaranteed, but we might send you an Oddball group shot for Christmas. With your picture glued on to it.

Created by: Mousse of The Oddballs
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you prefer to read?
  2. If you would describe yourself as a disease or a certain condition, which one would it be?
  3. What kind of shoes do you wear?
  4. You are out shopping, what do you spend your money on?
  5. Who is your role-model?
  6. Who is your favorite member of Army of Lovers?
  7. Which Johnny Depp movie are you?
  8. What do you preferably listen to?
  9. What do you do when drunk?
  10. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  11. What are you likely to collect?
  12. What super power would you like to possess?
  13. You are fruity. But how?
  14. Lastly, do you even know what an Oddball is?

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Quiz topic: Which Oddball am I, Truly?