Which OC will be your best friend? (part 2)

This is the second part of the quiz the first one has my female OCs and this has my male OCs. Their names are Umo, Alaron, Delta, and Audrey. I hope you enjoy.

I don't have anything else to write bla bla bla I like pretzels and foxes and fire and other stuff and if you are actually reading this gad bless you cause it's just nonsense bla bla bla.

Created by: Ruby Serene
  1. Ruby: okay so the guys will start asking questions, there are four of them so they will all have 2. (I have much more girls than guys bc I'm a girl so it's easier to make girls for me)
  2. Umo: I am first I guess? wich element of these would you like?
  3. Alaron: I am not good at making questions... So, wich color do you prefer of these?
  4. Delta: Will you play soccer with us and a couple of the girls?
  5. Audrey: uhh are you an introvert or extrovert I guess?
  6. Umo: Do you like dragons? I'm sorry these questions are bad.
  7. Alaron: I thought of a good question! You can't get a job and you live on the streets, is it okay to steal or do other bad things to get money?
  8. Delta: Sooo if you're a girl will you freak out if I playfully flirt with you, I have a gf it's just a joke, and if you're a guy and you hear me do that to some girl will you freak out and rant to her or me to not do that anymore.
  9. Audrey: um, hey all the questions are taken what the heck am I supposed to ask??? um.... What's your favorite food or something I guess?
  10. Ruby: I return for the last question so they all have equal questions. the last question will be... a fate question.

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Quiz topic: Which OC will be my best friend? (part 2)
