which naruto character are you?

even yuo didn't get the one you thought you would you found out who you really are.even if you didn't you found who you really are.i can't think of any thing else to say so thanx for reading.

hope you like who you are.this was made becauz i was bored.thank you for taking the quiz.this took for ever.this is really fun quiz hope you enjoyed this.

Created by: sakura
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who is your favorite naruto character?
  2. are you?
  3. you have a crush on who?
  4. what level are you?
  5. you have what colored eyes?
  6. is your hair?
  7. what do you do in your spare time?
  8. do yuo get a or f?
  9. what team are you on?
  10. do you like candy?

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Quiz topic: Which naruto character am I?