Which Miraculous supervillan are you?

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Have you ever wondered if you had a dark side? Click below to find out! Could you be Style Queen. Queen Wasp, Prime Queen, Miracle Queen; AHHH! Too many to chose! This quiz will show you DEFINITELY have a dark side ,no matter how sweet you are. If you're too scared,Take My Which SUPERHERO are You!

This quiz will tell you that you are mean. But TRUST me. NEVER show that mean side. If you keep showing it, You'll become the character you get! SO TRUST ME! If you get hawk moth, DON'T worry. Everyone knows you're sweet and kind! So are you ready?

Created by: Milly
  1. Who is your favourite character in Miraculous
  2. Who is your favourite supervillan
  3. Which from the following do you like
  4. What is your favourite animal
  5. Are who more likely a guardian or a miraculous holder
  6. What colour eyes do you have
  7. Are you a teenager
  8. Choose an ice-cream flavour
  9. Chose a disney princess
  10. And Lastly, Pick a fruit

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Quiz topic: Which Miraculous supervillan am I?
