Which Minecraft Mob are You?

Which mob are you? are you really curious? take this quiz to find out unless you're scared which will be reasonable, i mean you're working with the real life deadpool here.

lets not worry about that right now so, you scared? hope not beacuse you are taking this quiz.what ever this quiz says be you because you're you for a reason, dont try to be anyone else.Bye!

Created by: Nicole
  1. Whats your favourite colour
  2. What power do you wish you had?
  3. What are you feeling right now
  4. Do You like to build things?
  5. Whats your favourite colour of time
  6. Do you play videogames?
  7. Whats Your favourite animal?
  8. What is your favourie block?
  9. Would you ever try to kill anyone?
  10. Did You Like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Minecraft Mob am I?