Which Minecraft character are you?

Which Minecraft mob are you? Which one of the five characters are you mostly like? Take this survey and see what Minecraft character are you mostly like?

Are you a Minecraft character? Which character fits your personality the most? Are you a creeper, or enderman, or many other people for that matter of truth?

Created by: MrsTwosqueaksLover20
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Do you like cereal?
  3. Which looney tunes character you like?
  4. Which number from 1 to 5 is the best?
  5. What is your second favorite color?
  6. Do you like the hot wheels car called bone shaker?
  7. What is your favorite inside out emotion?
  8. Which movie do you like?
  9. What food do you like?
  10. Last Question… which one do you like the best?

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Quiz topic: Which Minecraft character am I?
