Which Member of the Wops Are you?

There is a group of six very pointless individuals. they live pointlessly and do nothing to help society. There is a group of six very pointless individuals. they live pointlessly and do nothing to help society.

Which of of these six are you? Are you the obnoxious ones? Are you the nice ones? Do you have a dad haircut? We'll see! Which of of these six are you? Are you the obnoxious ones? Are you the nice ones? Do you have a dad haircut? We'll see!

Created by: pat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which one of the following choices do you know most about?
  2. What is the closest to your favorite food?
  3. What is closest to your dream job?
  4. Which of the following words means the most to you?
  5. Preferred drink?
  6. Weapon of choice?
  7. What movie among these is your favorite?
  8. The final question. Out of the following words, which one has the most meaning to you?
  9. Oh shoot, thats not the last question. I messed up. Um, what ethnic group is close to your own?
  10. Which of the following best explains your driving?

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Quiz topic: Which Member of the Wops am I?