Which member of PTV are you most like?

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I'm sure there are many Pierce The Veil fans out there. Oh, are you one of them? You probably are or else why are you taking this quiz?

Take this quiz to find out which Pierce The Veil member you are most like! Your result may surprise you!

Created by: ACWifey
  1. What's your favorite animal?
  2. What is your favorite Pierce The Veil song?
  3. Sheepcat
  4. Do you like tattoos?
  5. Tattoos, flippy hair, or piercings?
  6. Which describes you best?
  7. Short hair, long hair, or medium length?
  8. 🐢
  9. Your opinion on PTV?
  10. Favorite kind of shoes?

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Quiz topic: Which member of PTV am I most like?