Which made up eeveelution are you

Pokemon. The magical creatures that you can train and battle. Some people streatch the limets while others are obsessed with catching them all. Take this test to find out wich made up eeveelution you are

Eevee is an evolution pokemon so why are all the types not included take this test to find out if you are one of three eeveelutions imade up i wont be 100% acurat

Created by: Dawnriver
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like pokemon
  2. Whats your faverit legendary
  3. Faverot time of day
  4. You see a fight between a strong person and yor friend and your friend is losing. What do you do
  5. Do you have a pet and if you do what is it
  6. Who is your best friend
  7. Whats your faverit subject
  8. Do you like espeon
  9. Do you like umbreon
  10. Whats your faverit generation of pokemon

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Quiz topic: Which made up eeveelution am I