Which Lonely Wolf Treat Character Are You?

Lonely wolf treat is a game, find out which character you are! there are three results. there's Treat, Mochi and Moxie. Treat is a wolf, Mochi is a bunny, Moxie is a fox.

i dont know what to put here :p ; : yayayyay i like lonly wolff yayayyayayayay ayay ayay yay oop im sorry i just need 150 words to post thiss sorry sorry

Created by: U-mi Olive
  1. Do you have a lot of friend?
  2. How do your friends describe you?
  3. what type of food you you like?
  4. do you like hats?
  5. what's your favorite animal?
  6. who's your favorite character?
  7. Did you play the whole treat sires?
  8. what's your spirt animal?
  9. Do you hate anything?
  10. 1234

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Quiz topic: Which Lonely Wolf Treat Character am I?
