Which Jessie character are you?

There are 7 Jessie characters that you could be, but which one ARE you? You could be: Jessie, Zuri, Luke, Ravi, Burtram, Emma,or the parents! Which are you?

This quiz will help you find out. 100% accurate, 100% right! 100% correct spelling (I hope!!) and also 100% what you would hopefully want to be! xxxxx

Created by: MissMaxx

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friend invites you to a fashion show but your little sister/brother wants you to play with them. What do you do?
  2. Your parents say they'll come to your birthday party but they can't come and SkypeTM you instead. How do you react once they're off the webcam?
  3. You are writing a letter to your boyfriend/girlfriend and suddenly your younger sibling spills juice all over it. Your reaction?
  4. A homeless man is selling newspapers about nothing useful so he can get some money to get a home. What do you do?
  5. An attractive new person has moved into the apartment next door. Your reaction?
  6. Your parents arrive and you hadn't seen them for over a year. Your reaction?
  7. A new mobile phone has come out. Your reaction?
  8. Your billionaire aunt buys you a pen for Christmas. Your reaction?
  9. A mysterious love not comes through the door addressed to you. Your reaction?
  10. You go on a speed dating thing and you meet a gorgeous boy/girl. When you find out they love someone else, what is your reaction?
  11. FINAL QUESTION: What face would you give this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Jessie character am I?