Which Jason Isaacs character are you!!?

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Hello!! I hope you enjoy this quiz!!! I worked hard on it so you better enjoy it!!!!!! I was bored and needed something to do, so I did this. Good day!

This quiz tells you which Jason Isaacs character you are!!! I think it is pretty accurate and you will be pleased with your result. Goodbye then and enjoy.

Created by: MadsBlack
  1. We will start off easy..What is your favourite colour?
  2. Would you consider yourself a nice person?
  3. How would you dress?
  4. Which sentence do you like best?
  5. Are you afraid of the dark?
  6. Would you consider yourself powerful?
  7. choose a profession.
  8. What is your mood?
  9. Pick one!!!
  10. Hair length?

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Quiz topic: Which Jason Isaacs character am I!!?
