Which HP house are you in?

This quiz will help you find which house you will be in at Hogwarts School Of Whitchcraft And Wizardry. 0 to 33% is Slytherin. 33 to 50% is Hufflepuff. 50 to 83% is Ravenclaw. 83 to 100% is Griffindor!

Are you in Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Griffindor or Slytherin? Well your score on this test will tell you! Griffindor is for the brave, Ravenclaw is for the smart, Hufflepuff is for the kind and Slytherin is for the powerful!

Created by: Ruby Holiday
  1. Which house do you NOT want to be in?
  2. Who is your favorite character?
  3. What would you describe yourself as?
  4. What house is your favorite teacher in?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. What house do you think you will be in?
  7. If you saw someone about to die what would you do?
  8. What color are your eyes?
  9. What color is your hair?
  10. What house do you want to be in?

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Quiz topic: Which HP house am I in?
