Which Hong Kong Food Are You?

Which Hong Kong food are you??? Most likely you are going to be awesome but which awesome local food are you? Are you more of a comfort food, a sweet thing, or something totally new!

There are so many different kinds of food here in Hong Kong that I want to share and what better way than to show you with a quiz!? Oh, and whichever gets the most I'll have for dinner!

Created by: mbaden of Post Grad Past Time
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your ideal Saturday afternoon?
  2. What best describes you?
  3. Favorite celebrity in the 90s:
  4. Pick a flavor:
  5. My biggest problem is...
  6. Pick a Disney movie (I know this isn't easy)
  7. Favorite food
  8. Favorite place to visit
  9. Do you like to try new things?
  10. Where are you at lunchtime?

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Quiz topic: Which Hong Kong Food am I?