Which Hogwarts house are you in?

Hello Harry Potter Fans. Or people just looking for a quiz to take.This quiz is to find out which Hogwarts House you will be sorted into. There is Hufflepuff,Gryffindor,Ravenclaw,and Slytherin.

To find out the house you will be sorted in you must answer the questions very truthfully and with heart. I'm just gonna put this out there,I'm a Hufflepuff:) Now go have fun!

Created by: Austin Kraft
  1. You have 1,000,000 dollars how do you spend it?
  2. Ground or Sky?
  3. You are locked in a dark room what do you do?
  4. Somebody calls you a mudblood What do you do?
  5. You are forced to partake of a magical drink which one do you partake of?
  6. Pick a Power
  7. Christmas is coming up soon how excited do you get
  8. Pick a time of day
  9. Pick an animal
  10. Which subject are you looking forward to the most at Hogwarts?

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts house am I in?