Which Hockey Player Are You?

Are you gretzky? Take this quiz to see what type of hockey player you are. This quiz will tell you who to shape your game after and who yo9u should start to pay more attention to because you probably play like them.

There are many different types of hockey players. Which one are you. |Are you tough, smart defense offense golie. Take this quiz and you will soon find out.

Created by: shaniqua

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is your favorite player?
  2. What is tour favorite zone?
  3. Do you paly hockey?
  4. Do you wanna play hockey?
  5. Which team would you want to play for?
  6. What coach would you want to play for?
  7. What is your favorite alltime player?
  8. Where do you shoot?
  9. Where do you shoot?
  10. What's your company?
  11. What type of player do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: Which Hockey Player am I?