Which High Fashion Brand Should U Be Working For?

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There are so many high fashion brands in this world and if u took my other quiz..Are You Forever Fashionable, ud so be ready to take this cool quiz. Fashion is about uniqueness, and u. It isnt even about the people ur trying to make happyy u make them happy by doing what u do!

If u want to work in fashion but dont know what brand to work for or to shoot for, take this quiz! PLEASE! tAKE MY QUIZ! i guarantee it will helo u and encourage you!

Created by: Aero87Girly

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is ur fave color? (out of these)
  2. Where do u usually shop?
  3. Omg! Ur going for a walk around ur neighborhood and u found a pretty green scarf on the sidewalk-but its ripped. U know u can do something about it. U decide to:
  4. DO u believe killing animals and making them into fashion is wrong?
  5. Omigod! Ur going to a new years eve party what does ur dress look like?
  6. DO u shop online
  7. MAKEOVER TIME! There is a girl who wants a classic sweet 16 look note she is still young but she wants alot of makeup but not like over done and she wants a pretty dress! U choose what for her?hint: the theme is a tea party!
  8. u have to design a long dark colored coat with a pretty print... desribe ur vision to me:
  9. Yikes! ur heels dont fit anymore! U choose..
  10. Which result do u want 2 get?

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