Which Headphone is Right For You?

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Today, many people question the headset. The test helps with answer questions to you. Do you have lot of money? Do you like latest products? You need to feel safe with your penis?

We at Head-Case can help! since 200X, we have been patiently answering questions just like these. So get pencil, get chair, and get you smart! It's time to answer.

Created by: Sherwood of Mailinator
(your link here more info)
  1. Did you come here to talk about Head-Fi?
  2. Did you read the welcome PM?
  3. Have you taken the time to attend a "meet", or any sort of human gathering, and listen to some headphones before asking me this?
  4. Do you plan on ever leaving your home?
  5. What is the first thing you will listen to on your new headphones?
  6. Why does GoToQuiz require 12 questions?
  7. How long are you willing to wait for a HeadAmp product before you start writing angry emails?
  8. You have $50 to spend on headphones. What do you do?
  9. Did you say happy birthday to Doug yet?
  10. How would you characterize your feelings about shovels?

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