Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

Welcome to my quiz! If you wanna know what Harry Potter character you would be, this is the quiz for you. I tried to make this quiz as short as possible so you can spend more time in your day doing other stuff.

Which character do you think you'll get? Don't know? Just take the quiz... you'll find out within minutes. Good luck, I hope you get the character that most fits you.

Created by: DerpyWeasley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First of all, I want to be absolutely sure that if you're a girl, your result is a girl and if you're a boy, your result is a boy. So I'm going to repeat the gender question to be absolutely sure. But if you don't care, skip the gender question and click the skip option here. What is your gender?
  2. Okay, now into the quiz. Light or Dark?
  3. Fear, Bravery, or Both?
  4. Intelligence, Cunning, or Bravery?
  5. I know I said Bravery twice. It was 2 different categories. Therefore pay attention to the other answers. This question does not affect your result.
  6. Wind, Rain, or Sun?
  7. What do you fear most?
  8. This one may seem like it doesn't effect anything, but it's pretty important. High or Low?
  9. Do you love your family or friends more?
  10. If you've taken a sorting hat quiz, what was your result?
  11. If you were an Animagus (if you could turn into a certain animal at will) what do you think you would be able to turn into?
  12. Choose one.
  13. Lastly, how familiar are you with the Harry Potter series?

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter Character am I?