Which Eeveelution are you?

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For some reason some random question pops into your head . . . If I were an Eeveelution, which one would I be? Now introducing the pretty inaccurate quiz that will possibly show you the Eeveelution for you! This is my first quiz, so please don't hate me! ;~;

Did you ever wonder what Eeveelution you would be if you were a Pokemon in the Pokemon world? Now here's the answer. Though inaccurate, I tried my best to make you guys a quiz showing you what Eeveelution you would be if you were one. Please don't hate me if I got things wrong, this is my first quiz! ;~;

Created by: LPS Rose
  1. You were walking down the street with your female friend when all of a sudden she falls onto the ground! What happened?
  2. You just had a dream where your best friend had wings and was screaming "Imma iguana" as she flew into the sun, which was made of bread. What do you think of this?
  3. Your friend tells you that they saw a ghost a few days ago. Do you believe them?
  4. You're in the school choir and everyone is counting on you to sing the solo in front of over 800 people, but there's no reward for it.
  5. You're in the school choir and everyone is counting on you to sing the solo in front of over 800 people, but there's no reward for it.
  6. Do you like cake?
  7. Where would you like to live by?
  8. What's your favorite starter Pokemon trio?
  9. Someone had a you a pack of cigarettes. What do you do?
  10. You're taking a test and you get stumped on a question that everyone else thinks is really easy? What do you do?
  11. If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?
  12. Did you like my quiz? It's my first one.
  13. Bye!
  14. Does this matter if it's not very accurate?

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Quiz topic: Which Eeveelution am I?