Which DSMP person are you?

This doesn't have all the dsmp people so don't be upset if Puffy or Tommy or anyone else isn't on here. also I was really lazy whilst making this soo yea.

This is 100% non-accurate. So yea the descriptions of the people are probably not correct to you at all. Sorry if I offend you. Thank you for choosing this quiz.

  1. Do you like to bake?
  2. where is your fav place?
  3. Let's say your bestie got put in jail for stealing. What do you do?
  4. Your best friend betrayed you what do you do?
  5. your day was?
  6. what type of YouTubers do you watch?
  7. I'm running out of questions...
  8. Pick a song
  9. Just chose one
  10. Lastly, what is your fav ice cream flavor?

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Quiz topic: Which DSMP person am I?
