Which Diary of a Wimpy Kid character are you?

All of these characters appear in the movies (One of them is only in the movies, and only in the first movie), but some of this is also based on stuff from the books.

Do you think you know what Diary of a Wimpy Kid character you are? You are probably wrong. Do you know which Diary of a Wimpy Kid character you want to be? find out which one you are in this quiz

Created by: Gavin Davis Dufty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your least favorite character
  2. Who is you favorite character?
  3. Which of these do you like to do most?
  4. Out of these, who do you think is your most likely answer
  5. Who is your favorite female character
  6. Who is your least favorite female character?
  7. Who is your favorite male character?
  8. Who is your least favorite male character?
  9. Which of these sports do you like to do most
  10. Are you ready to see your answer?

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Quiz topic: Which Diary of a Wimpy Kid character am I?