Which demigod hero are you

Who loves the heroes of Olympus? Would you like to be one of them? Take this test now and figure out which demigod you are. Are you Piper with charmspeak? Or Annabeth with the brains? Take this test to find out!

Who are you exactly? Have you ever wondered? Well you no longer need to think about who you are. Just take this test, Submit your answers and you will know.

Created by: somebody
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What weapon do you prefer to fight with?
  2. What color are your eyes?
  3. Who is you favorite god?
  4. If you could have one special power what would it be?
  5. If your got to meet one one of these demigods who would it be?
  6. What would be the ONE thing you remember if you lost your memory?
  7. If there was a demigod TV show you were part of what would you talk about?
  8. What is your favorite thing to do?
  9. Who is your favorite demigod besides anyone that are heroes of Olympus?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which demigod hero am I