Which deltora quest character are you most like?

Hi its me again and I got a question for you. Have you ever read and or watched the deltora series and wonderd you you would be in the series have you?

If you ever have then you may go on ahead and try out my quiz and see who you are in the series in just a littie less than five minutes .See you later people hope you enjoy yourselves.

Created by: Kingz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which weapon suits you
  2. Follower or Leader?
  3. Good or Evil
  4. You see gray guards coming towards you, you
  5. Your friends are suffering you
  6. You are
  7. Would you rather
  8. Which is the most suitable home for you
  9. What do you want
  10. So what do you think of my quiz be totally honest
  11. Do you have your mind set on someone

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Quiz topic: Which deltora quest character am I most like?