Which Coulter sister are you most like?

Have you ever wondered which Coulter girl you're most like? We've had a quiz before, but this is the new and revised version. Find out which of us you're most like. And make sure to tell us the results!

So you might remember our last quiz...this is the much better, much longer, and much more accurate version of it. Now you can find out which of us you're really most like. :D

Created by: Vivi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Just wondering, before we start, who do you think you're most like?
  2. If you had to pick one of the following, which one describes you best?
  3. Is your hair...
  4. There's a stink bug in the house. What do you do?
  5. You best express your anger by...
  6. Are you...
  7. Your birthday's here. What did you plan for your special day?
  8. Which would you pick?
  9. What's your opinion on pets?
  10. There's a fire. You have 60 seconds to evacuate. You grab...
  11. You're going to a friend's house. The one thing you *must* do before you go is...
  12. Of all your siblings, you're best with/at...
  13. You most enjoy books about...
  14. What's most memorable about you?
  15. It's Christmas! You're most likely to get...
  16. You're named after...
  17. Someone tells you you're doing something wrong, when you know you're doing it right. What do you do?
  18. You have to make a hard decision that you really just don't want to make. How do you go about it?
  19. Height-wise you are...
  20. You're the most...
  21. Grandma's coming to visit! You...
  22. Salty or sweet? (if you could pick between a bag of your favorite chips or a box of your favorite cookies, which would you pick?)
  23. If you had a weird nickname, it might look something like...
  24. You're well known for...
  25. Your summer activities will include...
  26. Are you right or left handed?
  27. Your favorite Taylor song?
  28. Which Little Woman are you most like?
  29. Your dance type is...
  30. You have an extra hour! (you got done with school/work early) You decide to...
  31. What's your favorite color?
  32. You're out at the mall and your favorite song starts playing radio. Your reaction?
  33. Your hair is most often...
  34. You are the...
  35. Who's the best fictional hero? (of the following)
  36. What's the best animated movie ever?
  37. Do you have braces?
  38. Ok, here we are 40 questions later. Thanks for taking this! See ya!

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Quiz topic: Which Coulter sister am I most like?