Which Clan leader are you?

Welcome to my quiz! In this quiz, you'll find out which leader you are. You could either be Firestar, Tallstar, Blackstar, Leopardstar, or Leafstar! They are from the book series, Warrior Cats.

I hope you enjoy this quiz! I spent a lot of time working on it, so I want people to enjoy it, especially the Warrior Cats fans. So go on, do the quiz! And have fun!

Created by: Eli
  1. Do you like to help others?
  2. What is your favorite Clan from Warrior Cats?
  3. Where would you rather live?
  4. What pet would you rather have?
  5. What's your favorite Crowfeather ship?
  6. Pick one of my OC's!
  7. How many friends do you have?
  8. What position would you pick?
  9. What would you rather eat?
  10. Would you rather die by...

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Quiz topic: Which Clan leader am I?
