Which Charmed One Are You?

Charmed is about three white sisters who inherited powers of witchcraft from the generations of witches that stood before them. In altogether of 8 seasons, the charmed ones battled warlocks, low level demons, upper level demons, the source of all evil (a few times) and their own inner demons.

So which Charmed One are you? These questions will figure out if you are Piper, Phoebe or Paige. So answer the truthfully and don't guess so that you can get the character you want. Not all of the questions have straight forward answers.

Created by: Joanne

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  1. Which characteristic describes you best???
  2. Do you have kids?
  3. Are you married?
  4. What job appeals to you?
  5. What power would you like?
  6. Who would you fall in love with?
  7. Do you like changing your hair colour?
  8. Have you ever been evil in your life?
  9. What do you like doing in your spare time?
  10. How much does your career mean to you?

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Quiz topic: Which Charmed One am I?