Which cat are you most like?

Which cat are YOU from the warrior series out of Tigerstar, Jaypaw and Morningflower?! Will you get the one you wanted, or NOT? Maybe, maybe not! There's only one way to find out! Take this quiz! I'm sure you'll be happy after you do! Now, rock on, and take the test!

But wait, before you do, how many fingers am I holding up? The answer, is on the parting words, so if you read THIS, read the parting words! How many fingers? How many!? Come one, you can do better than THAT! Come one, think! THINK,THINK,THINK!

Created by: Mury
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Clan are you from?
  2. Are you blind?
  3. What is your additude?
  4. What do you eat? Or what WOULD you if you were a cat?
  5. If you are old, were you fast when you were a kid, and if you ARE a kids, are you fast?
  6. If you were at cat, were would you live?
  7. What color fur do you like?
  8. Do you have siblings?
  9. Would you like a female leader, or male, or yourself as leader?
  10. Which deputy name do you like the best?

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Quiz topic: Which cat am I most like?