Which car are you?

Will you be the excitement and thrill of all who pass by or simply the mini-van mom, you can cruise through life or simply co-exisy with all the other white suburbans of the neighborhood, find out now!

You can race through life, speed along trails, or care for a van full of soccer players, how exciting is your life as a vehicle? TAKE THIS QUIZ AND FIND OUT NOW!!

Created by: Joanna Arnold

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Would you more likely find yourself the show off?
  2. On an average day would you rather
  3. Dressed up is..
  4. When trying to impress a member of the oposite sex...
  5. Where would you normally be seen shopping?
  6. What is most important to you?
  7. You would be voted in high school...
  8. If you could wish for one thing
  9. Favorite color
  10. When drinking

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Quiz topic: Which car am I?