Which Blog Member Are You?

On the blog, there are three penguins that work there, and one that doesn't! Their names are Peggie Quin, Pinkguin 246, Cafina, and Flippy0102! They are all very cool, and they're best buds!

Which one of those penguins are YOU most like? Crazy like Peggie? Sensible like Cafina? Polite like Pinky? Or random like Flippy? Take the quiz, and in a few minutes you can find out!

Created by: Peg of Peggie Quin's Club Penguin Blog
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite school subject?
  3. If you had some free time, what would you do with it?
  4. Who's your CP hero? (or at least someone famous that you like)
  5. What's your ideal job?
  6. What's your favorite member igloo hangout?
  7. What's your favorite part of the blog?
  8. Which CP Holiday Party was best?
  10. You wake up one morning to see you have a REALLY BAD HAIR DAY. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Which Blog Member am I?