Which 'Bang Bang' girl are you?

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We've all heard the song 'Bang Bang' playing on the radio, & stuck in our heads for the rest of the day...and we definitely know the three amazing girls behind it; Ariana Grande, Jessie J, and Nicki Minaj!

But who are you most like? Cute Ari, cool Jessie or Queen Nicki? Well......now you can find out! Please don't be annoyed if you don't get who you want....this is just a fun quiz and the questions/answers/results are just my opinion! xx

Created by: Maya
  1. Choose a colour:
  2. You can only use one make-up item for the rest of your life :( What do you use?
  3. What 'Victoria Secret' body mist is your fave?
  4. If you had to wear one dress for the rest of your life, it would be...
  5. Which EOS hand lotion would you go for?
  6. Which 'Pink' scent sounds most appealing to you?
  7. Which part of your body are you most likely to show off?
  8. What sorbet dessert would you have?
  9. What types of colours do you tend to go for?
  10. What is your fave type of hair?
  11. Like what is your fave emoji?
  12. Which emoji shoe/clothing would you pick?
  13. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which 'Bang Bang' girl am I?