Which are you in Powerpuff girls?

Hey there are so may smart and genius people in the world so you have to be more genius!! So get your school things like pencils pens notebooks and books get ready for some great schooling

Your extra super duper genius just study hard to get your dreams get higher and higher and higher!! Like your going to heaven to meet God and the Angels!! just kidding! Not that much!!

Created by: Rhenia Joy C dela Cruz of Aussie.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your favorite hobby?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Who is your fave guy?
  4. What was your fave toy?
  5. What do you mostly want in a guy?
  6. Pick a habit
  7. Are you lazy?
  8. Who do you hate at all baddies?
  9. If your one of them,what position are you?
  10. Who do you like the most?

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Quiz topic: Which am I in Powerpuff girls?