Which animal fits your personality??

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I know that there are tons of quizzes out there that are the same exact thing but I bet you that this one is defiantly going to be more accurate...I hope!!

I wanted to make this quiz because I have always been so fascinated with my personality!! and I thought some curious people would be too! So yeah I hope you enjoy it!! :D

Created by: Erin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your race?
  2. DO you like to be alone?
  3. Are you loyal?
  4. Do you get discriminated for your race??
  5. Are you hyper and/or random?
  6. Do you like to drink too much coffee??
  7. Are you a lovable person?
  8. Do people think that you are the MOST AWESOME person they know?
  9. How many friends do you have?
  10. Do you ever fight for what you believe in?
  11. Did you like taking this test? (This WILL NOT effect your score)
  12. Do you get distracted easily?

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Quiz topic: Which animal fits my personality??