Which Angry Birds Character are you?

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This is an angry birds survey. It has other character and many possibilities but we limited to only five characters. Are you a bird, a pig or other species? Take this survey and see who you are?

Which bird or pig are you? Take this survey and see what you are? Have you been waiting to take pigs down, steal the eggs or do other stuff? Take this survey and see what are you?

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Are you cars or fruit?
  4. If you see a pig, what do you do?
  5. Is your partner named Jack?
  6. Do you originated in angry birds?
  7. Are you a bird, pig or other species?
  8. Who is your nemesis?
  9. Do you like oranges?
  10. Do you protect the eggs?

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Quiz topic: Which Angry Birds Character am I?
