Which Ancient Roman Are You?

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"Initially, the Roman Republic had many kings, but eventually these got too out of hand with their power and a Senate was created instead. The Senate was a group of men who controlled the governance of the Empire. Eventually, it became apparent that there needed to be a leader among the members of the Senate, and Augustus became the first Emperor of the Roman Empire (this was the period immediately following the Roman Republic). The Emperor didn't have unlimited power, but with the help/guiding/backlash of the Senate, led the Roman Empire

The Roman Empire had many Emperors, but four main ones were: Augustus, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. Each one was very different and led for different lengths of time. Take this quiz to see which one you're most like!

Created by: Mr. Driscoll
  1. Just one person stands between you and absolute power over Rome and all its empire. Do you:
  2. You're in the top job, you have the support of the Senate, a strong army and the people love you. It's time to make your mark. Do you:
  3. A series of expensive wars have drained the treasury and you need to raise more money. Do you:
  4. You hear of a plot against you. What do you do?
  5. You find someone attractive, how do you win them over?
  6. If it all ends tomorrow, how do you want to be remembered? As:
  7. If you set up a dating website account and had one word to describe yourself, it would be:
  8. It is time to go to war. You think the best way to do this is:
  9. It is time to go to war. You think the best way to do this is:
  10. The time has come for you to bow out of your position as Emperor. You do this by:
  11. To keep the people on your side, you thought it best to:
  12. Your approach to dealing with the many religions in the Empire is to:

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Quiz topic: Which Ancient Roman am I?