Which (American) Football Position Should You Play?

This 19 question quiz will analyze your skills and preferences to fit your best football position. Answer as best as possible. Hope you enjoy taking the quiz!

The results of every position may vary in physical skills, which means that the position you get isn't the only one you should try or belong to. Take the quiz as many times as you'd like to find a more accurate result.

Created by: Ghadiel13
  1. How well can you recognize a defensive or offensive play?
  2. How do you classify yourself in height?
  3. How do you classify yourself in weight?
  4. How fast are you in terms of running speed?
  5. How strong are you in terms of blocking?
  6. How strong are you in terms of tackling?
  7. Are you accurate and/or have good throw distance?
  8. How are your catching skills?
  9. How are your juking and elusive skills?
  10. How are your trucking skills?
  11. How are your jumping skills in terms of horizontal, vertical, and catching in traffic jumping?
  12. Do you have good blocking or pressuring skills?
  13. For the next two questions, pick your best assets (1)
  14. For the next two questions, pick your best assets (2)
  15. Which would you like to play for?
  16. For the next four questions, pick the positions you prefer or think you play best at, they will be displayed again afterwards (1)
  17. For the next four questions, pick the positions you prefer or think you play best at, they will be displayed again afterwards (2)
  18. For the next four questions, pick the positions you prefer or think you play best at, they will be displayed again afterwards (3)
  19. For the next four questions, pick the positions you prefer or think you play best at, they will be displayed again afterwards (4)

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Quiz topic: Which (American) Football Position should I Play?

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