Which AARMM are you?!

Take this..... If you dare, Wow i just have to babbel on just to make this long enough, wow this is boring wow, you must be bored now, THIS IS SO EXITING, now take this quiz and be very happy

Youll never get those 10 minutes of your life backWow i just have to babbel on just to make this long enough, wow this is boring wow, you must be bored now, THIS IS SO EXITING, now take this quiz and be very happy

Created by: AARMM
  1. Are you a Dingbat?!?!?!?!
  2. Who Is Mr. Mo-nu-nu
  3. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
  4. What animal are you?
  5. Lets ______________ Under the stary sky
  6. Whos Roo's father...
  7. Pick up line
  8. How many relationships have you been in( BF/GF)
  9. How many quiz responces drives you insane
  10. Did you know this question has no impact on the results

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Quiz topic: Which AARMM am I?!