Which 5SOS boy is perfect for you?

This quiz will help you find out who will be your 5SOS boyfriend. If you liked the quiz, go ahead and share it with your friend or other 5SOSfam members :D

Have you ever wondered which 5SOS guy would be perfect for you? Well if you take this quiz you will find out. Hopefully you will like what ever your result is!

Created by: Bailee bowen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite 5SOS Song
  2. First thing that comes to your head when you hear 5SOS
  3. You're bored on a Saturday night... you...
  4. Pick one
  5. you see a spider... you_____
  6. finish the song "Before we started it was over I feel our______"
  7. Rock paper scissors? pick one
  8. Whos your fav?
  9. Pick one

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