Which 40k character do you play like?

Anyone who has played a fair amount of 40k in a gaming group will know that people in your gaming group tend to characterise each other as a certain type of player. Saying someone is an aggressive or defensive player is a little too simplistic though. After all, wargaming can get quite emotional when your lovingly painted plastic men get blown to smithereens and as such, wargaming choices are often torn between being logical and emotional choices.

So what kind of player are you? Well this quiz aims to tell you in terms of which 40k character your play style resembles. Are you a tactical genius or a fun-loving, blood thirsty moron?

Created by: Artemis360
  1. Whats the most important general area of the game?
  2. What kind of wargear do find characterise the infantry in your army most?
  3. Imagine you're playing a grudge match and you've just destroyed your opponents prized unit. What would be the most satisfying way of destroying it?
  4. You've just lost a squad in a similar situation to those you normally see in your games. What's your reaction (be honest)?
  5. The best route of attack is...
  6. You're flipping through a new codex of an army you're thinking of collecting. What attribute of a new unit most makes you think you'll be buying at least some of them?
  7. Your best games were when...
  8. The mode of deployment that you find most often swings the game in your favour.
  9. Which one of these armies are you most likely to take to a tournament (assuming you already had all of these models)?
  10. To prepare for the zombie apocalypse, you will try to acquire...
  11. 40k was/will be better when there is...
  12. If you fall to the chaos gods, you will have seduced by...
  13. You're playing a scenario and you can give one of your run-of-the-mill troops choices one of the following for free in addition to what they would normally get:
  14. During the Horus Heresy, you would have been...
  15. When you deploy a unit, whats the first thing you think? "If I set them up here...

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Quiz topic: Which 40k character do I play like?