Where Will You Lose Your Virginity?

Ever wonder where you would lose your virginity. If you're up for a silly quiz try this out, its actually kinda interesting and fun. What do i say about this, its about where you lose your virginity and obviously its just some silly fun. This quiz can actually give you some weird ideas, but don't go crazy and try to fulfill them all and have safe sex! >

Anyways i dont care if this quiz sucks cause its awesome okay. My inspiration for the quiz, pure boredom, but i figure this is a funny quiz to do with a bunch of friendsharacters like honestly what do i say about this, its about where you lose your virginity and obviously its just some silly fun. it will probably give you all a good laugh or at least i hope it will anyways try it Damn this is hard, i'm not sure what to say,

Created by: Hana:)

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. It's a saturday evening and you are SO BORED, what do you do?
  3. Your pretty angry, stressed out, and/or depressed, what do you do to calm your nerves?
  4. Which movie do you like the most out of all of these?
  5. What outfit appeals to you the most?
  6. To you what smells the best out of these options?
  7. To you what texture would feel the best?
  8. What's your favourite food/drink?
  9. What kind of makeup do you have most of the time?
  10. What three words fit you the most?

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Quiz topic: Where will I Lose my Virginity?