whats ur unique name

There are some people who like the fifty colors and have many friends in their life so they try to fit into a group of poeple but it doesnt work out b/c they just dont fit in to that group. What a person really is, is They are they want to be and that includs there taste in music and clothing. Styles of dress range from anything and everythingthat suits them.That ranges from hair color to eye color to clothing style.

So were do you fit in. What is your name going to be. You don't know,do you.Well take this quiz and see what you get. Until now you could only wonder what your name would be and how unique you are. You will thank this quiz because in a minute or two or three you will find out!

Created by: bambi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you love partys?
  2. are you hyper alot?
  3. how many friends do you have?
  4. you love ....
  5. 123
  6. are u single
  7. do u smile alot
  8. do you have-------hair
  9. do you text a lot
  10. do people love your eyes
  11. what color are your eyes
  12. u listen to music
  13. what word is yor favorite

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