what you really like

What do you really like, you should know you are only yours. You shouldn't have to take a quiz to find out what you really like, but some people will actually be surprised at what they will find.

Do you like to play guitar? Do you like to play games? Are you a jock? Do you love your computer? Or are you undecided? Find out on this quiz! This quiz will tell you exactly what you like.......From a selection of five things? Well anyway like I've been saying don't always trust a quiz

Created by: Bobby Graham
  1. What does your Saturday consist of?
  2. If someone asks you to play ball with them your answer is
  3. What is something you've ever fixed
  4. Do you enjoy the company of other people
  5. are you in good shape
  6. are you nice person
  7. are you getting bored yet
  8. was this quiz fun
  9. was it crappy
  10. why did you pick this quiz
  11. what do you think you really like

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