What Wizard101 school are you?

hey, if you take this quiz then make an account on wizard101, then you can skip that quiz and just choose the school that this quiz gave you!!!!! hope you get what you want! =)

hey, if you take this quiz then make an account on wizard101, then you can skip that quiz and just choose the school that this quiz gave you!!! hope you get what you want! =)

Created by: Bob Is Fat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do people usually conceder you attractive?
  2. What is the typical grade you see most on your report card \ quizzes \ tests?
  3. are you very creative?
  4. care you competitive?
  5. are you passionate about a lot of things?
  6. are you charming?
  7. are you independent?
  8. are you honest?
  9. are you funny or serious?
  10. are you brave?
  11. are you clever?
  12. are you strong?
  13. are you loyal?

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Quiz topic: What Wizard101 school am I?