What Wings of Fire tribe are YOU?

If you've been wondering what tribe of Wings of Fire you belong to, then you've come to the right place! Tui's WOF series is great, but some people wonder what tribe they would be in.

This test of mine provides hopefully accurate results to whatever WOF tribe you would be if you were in the books! I hope you enjoy my quiz! Let's start!

Created by: ilyfalc
  1. What's your gender?
  2. How close are you to your family?
  3. What would you say your best quality is?
  4. What's your favorite color?
  5. What would you say your worst quality is?
  6. What's your favorite wof tribe?
  7. And, of course, because I have to, pick a fate
  8. Ok I'm getting tired and apparently I have to make at least ten questions sooo imma make random things (These will NOT affect your score)
  9. Wubba lubba dubb dubb
  10. Ok! Last question! How was this test?

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Quiz topic: What Wings of Fire tribe am I?

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